Our on-site staffs make everyday decisions that reflect the needs of our clients and community. As a Somali based consulting firm, our staff can move to any part of the country to contact directly with the beneficiaries; this reduces logistics and security costs to the minimum.

Our Story


Hydrogeological and geophysical surveys are advanced techniques used to locate the most suitable sites for successful water well drilling. Mirach Global Analysis employs a wide range of geophysical investigation techniques that can address common questions regarding groundwater prospecting and mapping using powerful, highly sensitive instruments.

ABEM Terrameter SAS1000:

We utilize the ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 for groundwater prospecting. It is a highly competent resistivity/IP system suitable for many applications. By measuring both resistivity and IP simultaneously, it effectively distinguishes between clays and fresh water.

ABEM Terrameter SAS1000
ABEM Terrameter LS 2:

The ABEM Terrameter LS 2 is a state-of-the-art system for 2D & 3D data acquisition for self-potential (SP), resistivity (RES), and time-domain induced polarization (IP). Equipped with multi-electrode imaging cables, it enables execution of up to 1.6 km long surveys.

ABEM Terrameter LS 2

The ABEM WalkTEM 2 is an electromagnetic instrument used for rapid survey solutions, providing precise resistivity models directly in the field for mapping groundwater, mineral deposits, and environmental change. It can investigate depths of over 800 meters below ground level, making it extremely useful in groundwater studies.


Borehole Drilling Supervision

Successful borehole drilling requires an integrated supervisory approach to ensure adherence to technical specifications. Mirach Global Analysis introduces a time and cost-saving approach for borehole supervision in Somalia using geophysical well logging technology. Borehole logging enables the driller or geologist to identify critical well characteristics unobtainable by other methods.

Borehole Drilling Supervision

Geotechnical Engineering

Mirach Global Analysis is a leader in geotechnical investigations in Somalia, offering solutions across the infrastructure spectrum, including road construction, materials investigation, dam sites, and building construction. Our lightweight rig can drill up to 50m in both hard and soft formations.

Geotechnical Engineering Services

Topography Surveying

We provide topographic survey services utilizing sophisticated instruments such as RTK GNSS systems and high-precision total stations. Mirach Global Analysis employs:

  • Stonex S980A integrated GNSS receiver, tracking all satellite signals including GPS, GLONASS, and others.
  • Stonex R35/R35LR Total Station with high accuracy and extended range.
Topography Surveying Instruments

Water Supply Systems Engineering

Mirach Global Analysis offers comprehensive consultancy services for assessing, designing, and surveying small to large-scale water supply systems, from source to distribution networks. We utilize advanced software and instruments to optimize designs for easy operation and maintenance.

Water Supply Systems Engineering

Irrigation Systems Engineering

Effective management and optimization of irrigation water use is critical in Somalia and Northern Kenya. We provide comprehensive solutions for efficient irrigation systems, including primary and distribution canals, utilizing drip and sprinkler systems.

Irrigation Systems Engineering

Construction Services

We offer state-of-the-art engineering services in design and supervision of various civil engineering works, covering:

  • Architectural and structural designs of residential and commercial buildings.
  • Transportation structures, such as roads and bridges.
Construction Services

GIS and Mapping Technology

Our Geographic Information System (GIS) experts focus on capturing, analyzing, and presenting spatial data for applications in disaster management, land use, and urban planning.

GIS and Mapping Technology

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are vital for program management, allowing for adaptive management and improvement throughout the program lifecycle. We offer M&E services for all development projects across Somalia, ensuring professional standards.

Solar Energy Solutions

Mirach Global Analysis harnesses solar energy through various technologies, including solar heating and photovoltaic systems, providing renewable energy solutions.

Solar Energy Solutions